pip is a package manager in Python which you need to install various modules for Python . Here , we see how to install Pip on a FreeBSD 12.1 server . Release : 12.1-RELEASE-p10 Python : Python 3.7.9 So the command is : Tu upgrade pip to the latest : So now the pip...
Diskpart is a brilliant utility in Windows to delete and format a disk . If you are working with the images rewriting on ssds you might encounter lots of disk issues and you will see problems when you try to re flash the image . So delete the volume/partition and formatting the disk is...
If you are playing with the file systems in FreeBSD , you might encounter this error: So ada0 is my drive here and I am getting the corrupt error after making some changes with my zfs file systems , this can be easily recovered by uisng the gpart recovery tool by using the command...
In ubuntu/CentOS you can add a static route, but if its temporary it won’t withstand a network restart/reboot/powercycle . So we need to add it permanent/persistent . To add a temporary route in ubuntu , you can run the below command , here network is routed via gateway . You will need...
If you are tracking the latency and throughput on your server, you might need to get a relaistic ping output with time stamps , so that you can do a proper comparison and all . In FreeBSD , the below command will run a ping on every 5 seconds with timestamps , you can...
Sometimes, you may need to see the download speed on your FreeBSD server . The fetch command with /dev/null is an easy way to see this . The /dev/null is a null interface which is blackhole in unix based operating systems . It won’t save anything instead it redirects everything to null. So the...
By default , most OS comes with the DHCP client enabled and it will then get an IP from the DCHP server pool . But in some cases, you may need to add a static IP instead of receiving a dynamc IP via DHCP . So ubuntu on latest versions uses a utility called...
First you need apache webserver for this : Then create a folder in web root Now you need the dpkg-dev packages: Now copy all the required .deb files to /var/www/repo/ and then run the command: So everytime you add a new .deb file to this location , you need to run the above command...
Prerequisites Install OpenVPN client packages Copy your client configuration to as client.conf If you want a sample client.conf , you might be able to find it on /usr/share/doc/ . If you don’t know about the location of this sample file , you can search for it: So if you want to use this file...
Most of the Windows users uses Putty as an SSH client . But then putty won’t accept the .pem file for SSH authentication and it needs a .ppk file . The AWS ec2 servers requires a key based authentication and the file you are getting is .pem while creating the server . So you...